SolidWorks Auditing

You have invested a large amount of time, money and resources in implementing SolidWorks so why not make sure that you are getting the most out of your investment.

Solidworks Professionals

SolidWorks Auditing

Steven Atkinson, Director of Solid Innovations, has successfully implemented many installations of SolidWorks combined with Product Data Management (PDM), and through many years of experience knows what the common pitfalls are.  Each company is audited on its own merits, from when an order is placed, through the design process, into production and on to dispatch, so no stone is left unturned. The SolidWorks design team is also interviewed and models are interrogated to ascertain the level of adherence to SolidWorks Best Practices. It is during this process that an extensive 10 page check list is used to audit the company, which aligns with SolidWorks Best Practices, developed from SolidWorks and independent literature, and with over 15 years of using the Software. Once the audit is completed a comprehensive report is written outlining the opportunities for improvement and a plan to action.

SolidWorks Installation and Training

In most situations a company will purchase SolidWorks from their reseller and train staff members with the out of the box training.  Some people will be sent to the resellers Essentials training purchased additionally to the software and occasionally some staff may receive advanced training.

As one business is quite different to the next, an out of the box or standard training session is usually adequate to hit the ground running and become reasonably productive in a short period of time. However many bad habits and workarounds are often developed during this period and usually then form part of the company’s standard practice.

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